Welcome to the Community of Practice (CoP), a place for advocates and faculty of law, human rights, and patient care courses to share materials and resources. Additionally, we invite health providers and health managers, NGO activists, students and other stakeholders in health care service delivery to develop a network of strong practices regarding human rights in patient care. The Community of Practice has 3 main sections: Teaching Law and Health, Trainings on Human Rights in Patient Care, and Media Tools. Under Teaching, you will find topical modules and materials from past seminars on human rights in patient care. We invite you to visit all of the sections, use the materials, and provide feedback as we continue to expand the Community of Practice.

Program of the PG training (Ukraine, Ostroh, 25 – 29 May 2012)

  • Author: Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine

European Charter of Patients' Rights

  • Author: Active Citizenship Network

Соблюдение прав потребителей инъекционных наркотиков в контексте получения медицинских услуг

  • Author: Отчет по результатам мониторинга, проведенного при поддержке Фонда «Сорос-Кыргызстан» и инициативы «Право и здоровье»

Игра: Вступая в права человека

  • Author: Международная федерация здравоохранения и организациях по правам человека

Joint Declaration and Statement of Commitment on Palliative Care and Pain Treatment as Human Rights

  • Author: Representatives of international, regional and national palliative care, pain treatment and related organizations
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